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Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Lisa gets an A
Name: Noor Aliyah
Index no: 10
Date of submission: 29 August 2009
Choice of video: Video number three

1) Suggest the possible options you will do.
-Decide to do: I would tell the truth eventhough the school would not receive any money
-Decide not to do: I would not lie or cheat for any test as i did not study for it.

2)What factors do you think would affect your decision?
-Decide to do: You dont want your family to be dissapointed in you
-Decide not to do: You would not pass your test

3)What do you think would be the consequences of your decision
-Did do: The school will hate you forever fow what you ahve done
-Did not do:Everyone will hate you and do not get any new stuff from the school just because of you. The school would not get to money.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 @ 10:42 PM
What have i learned about moment

What you have learned about moment ?
Moment force is the turning effect of the force about a pivot. I also learned about the turning effects and examples of everyday things done in terms of moment. I also learned about the formula of moment force.

Describe the moment of a force in tekms of turning effect and give everyday examples in terms of moments.
Recall the relantionship of moment of a force. (Force multiply perpendicular distance from the privot.
Friday, April 10, 2009 @ 4:17 AM

Name: Noor Aliyah (10)
Group members:
Ain (10)
Aryati (11)
Mayang (19)

1. Story Write up.
Friendship is important for the olympic games so that we can cooperate with one another and get things done easily. It's not about wining, it's about teammate and participation. The olympic game is where the olympians from all around the world and challenge with one another to see how talented and capable they are competing in sports.It also helps to tighten the bond between them and countries all around the world. These five rings -- blue, yellow, black, green and red -- represent the five parts of the world now encompassed by Olympism and ready to compete against each other. Moreover, the six colors (including the white background) thus combined represent those of all nations, without exception. The blue and yellow of Sweden, the blue and white of Greece, the French, English, American, German, Belgian, Italian and Hungarian tricolors, the yellow and red of Spain are side by side with the new Brazilian and Australian flags, the old Japan and the new China. It is a true international emblem.Every Olympic Game is always held at different countries, so that olympians and people around the world would learn about the different cultures of different countries which would tighten the bond between countries all around the world.
2. Past Photos

3. Recent Photos

4. Reflection

I think the Youth Olympic Games would be a succes for Singapore. This is the first time Singapore for doing this seriously big event. It's going to be a great exprience for Singapore to have almost all the countries and all the atheletics coming here in Singapore. And for what i heard every secondary school will have atleast one country to come. This will make the atheletics exprience what is like to be a Singapore student. They also will learn all our cultures here like malays,indians,chinese. With that students would have to communicate with them. This would improve their english and as well as improving their confidence.

5. Sources


Friday, April 3, 2009 @ 6:12 AM

The CME value that my group are talking or dicussing about is 'friendship'. This important value is very important to the upcoming Youth Olypic Games on 2010 and all olympics games before this. This is important because if theres no friendship or interraction with the other athletics, the games would not be as pleasent. With that value all the olympic games will be played with fairness and respect with one another no matter you win or lose. The athletics could make friends with other athletics in other countries. They could share the culture and stuff about their country.
Friendship creates the feeling of trust between each other because friends trust each other in many ways.This could strengthen the value of friendship between nations too. Singapore is hosting YOG for the first time in history of Singapore and this is a better way for Singapore to interact with other nations. It also helps our Singaporean's Olympian to bond with other olympians. With this value, it makes the YOG more exciting and enjoyable. Without friendship and friends, the YOG will not be a exciting thing.
Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 2:27 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 4:45 AM

about singapores first Youth Olmpics Games

This blog is mainly for maths and science only. nothing more than that.
Name:Aliyah :D
School:Siglap Secondary School :(
About the girl:She is just a normal human that you may know

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January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009