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Saturday, January 17, 2009 @ 1:16 AM
Reflection about the maths project

Hello. The maths project was fun and enjoyable much. But the difficulty about this project was drawing the map. My group seriously do not know how to do it. So we asked Mr Chiang for help. After he explained it to us, my group members face was totally blank. No one even understand him. So we shared ideas and methods on how to do the map. We wrote alot of methods and we still do not know how to do it. As soon as we wanted to ask Mr chaing, we had to go back to class for our next lesson. the maths project shows that my group still do not understand the topic. But overall, it was okay.

thats the end of my reflection. Hope its enough though. bye

This blog is mainly for maths and science only. nothing more than that.
Name:Aliyah :D
School:Siglap Secondary School :(
About the girl:She is just a normal human that you may know

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