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Thursday, March 26, 2009 @ 11:57 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009 @ 2:27 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 4:45 AM

about singapores first Youth Olmpics Games
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 @ 11:24 PM
Science Reflections

What I enjoyed most in this chapter?
-I like it because we get to teach out classmate
-to see them teach is quite fun

What I think I did well in this chapter ?
- I passed my quiz

What i found difficult or confusing?
-Their remembering of their functions.

What i can do to improve?
- To remember the functions.
@ 11:22 PM
Maths algebra reflections

What I enjoyed mostin this chapter?
- The way the teacher teach.

What I think I did well in this chapter?
- I passed my quiz

What I found difficult or confusing?
- The long statement problem.

What I can do to improve?
- To do long algebra questions

This blog is mainly for maths and science only. nothing more than that.
Name:Aliyah :D
School:Siglap Secondary School :(
About the girl:She is just a normal human that you may know

tagboard .

Credits and Song.
Designer Icons Background

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009