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Friday, August 28, 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Lisa gets an A
Name: Noor Aliyah
Index no: 10
Date of submission: 29 August 2009
Choice of video: Video number three

1) Suggest the possible options you will do.
-Decide to do: I would tell the truth eventhough the school would not receive any money
-Decide not to do: I would not lie or cheat for any test as i did not study for it.

2)What factors do you think would affect your decision?
-Decide to do: You dont want your family to be dissapointed in you
-Decide not to do: You would not pass your test

3)What do you think would be the consequences of your decision
-Did do: The school will hate you forever fow what you ahve done
-Did not do:Everyone will hate you and do not get any new stuff from the school just because of you. The school would not get to money.

This blog is mainly for maths and science only. nothing more than that.
Name:Aliyah :D
School:Siglap Secondary School :(
About the girl:She is just a normal human that you may know

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January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 July 2009 August 2009